The Perfection in Our Flaws

“Even the fear of death is nothing compared to the fear of not having lived authentically and fully.” – Frances Moore Lappe 

My twin and I had a birthday a couple of weeks ago and since then I have been doing some soul searching. How do I want to live my life for the next thirty years?  (I don’t really want to stay longer than that. :-))  What story will I tell when I get older?

The answer is, “I want to be the person I have dreamed about all my life.” 

  • I want to take chances and leaps of faith. 
  • I want to be engaged in conversations with people I may never meet again. 
  • I want to be the example of how to have fun and not take this world so seriously. 
  • I want to be the one that others are excited to be around.

While contemplating all this, I realized that I have been holding myself back for many years.  I am afraid of not being perfect.  My astrological sign is Virgo and we are truly perfectionists. Often, we stay in our safe environment, continuing to do the things of which we do well.  We do not venture out into unknown territories because we are afraid of what others may think or say.  We also do not know how to handle making mistakes, in our own eyes. Portraying flaws is an unacceptable way to be. In our own minds, we are vicious critics to ourselves.  We hear that voice inside our head that continuously replays every word of what “should” have been different.  It can be quite exhausting and terrifying.

Remember though, this is all inside us.  The world does not end if we say or do something that was not meticulously thought out ahead of time.  What I am discovering is that I am tired of living under my own scrutiny.  I want to do something different.  I am more of afraid of not living life to its fullest, than I am of that voice that does not have a shut off valve.

It is time to be that person that I have always wanted to be!  I can be so introverted, but I have to get out there and make mistakes and let my flaws shine!  There is perfection in the flaws.  I have to stop being afraid.  I must push myself every moment to experience more.  My life will become better and then I am not always hiding from myself.  My perfection comes by living the true version of who I am and letting the world see all of it!

6 thoughts on “The Perfection in Our Flaws

  1. Thank you for your inspirational words. I have these same feelings all the time. I hope you get out there and do all kinds of crazy things – then maybe I’ll be inspired to do a few crazy things too!

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